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White Fence Spiritual Direction, Idaho

untangle your soul

spiritual direction is..

  • soul care.

  • for your questions when the old solutions don't work.

  • for your heart, which can sometimes feel tangled.

  • a safe place to share your joys, struggles, and questions.​

  • a time to pause, rest and reconnect with Love. 

What is spiritual direction?

"When we are alone, we can get so easily caught up in the tangle of our own minds, keep going over the same ground without reaching any conclusion, miss whole sides of a matter, imagine things that are not there or merit little consideration.


A spiritual director is a careful listener.

She helps you sort, gives you feedback, offers suggestions, points you to other resources.

She cares about you, encourages you, and as best she can, helps you find what you seek.

But she doesn’t tell you what you ought to do."

Thomas Hart

Untangling together

Image by Katie Burkhart

What does a spiritual direction session look like?

Spiritual Direction is a place to untangle and sort out the questions you have about God, faith, church, and life. 

Spiritual Direction is usually:

  • 60 minutes once a month

  • A time for you to talk about the big or small questions and find God/Love in your daily rhythm.

  • We embrace silence, questions, and space to let your soul untangle. 

Who is spiritual direction for?

Spiritual Direction is for you. 

It's about slowing down and listening to your soul. In spiritual direction, the director is there to listen with you and remind you to savor the silence and hear the still small voice.


It's simple.

It's slow, but it works.

Spiritual direction is not discipleship or mentoring. It's a practice of the church for people who have walked the long road of faith, and now have some questions and need space to slow down. 

How do I start?

The best way to learn about spiritual direction is to experience spiritual direction. 

In a complementary session, you'll see what it's like to slow down, listen deeply, and let your knotted heart and soul untangle. 


Rural Idaho Scene Smaller and Deeper Spiritual Direciton

"Seek the companionship of others who will befriend you and listen as you live the questions of your life.”

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